I have a confession to make…as much as I preach consistency
and sticking to a routine as part of your fitness & weightloss journey, I
have NO consistent routine! Being a single-mom with an unpredictable workout
schedule, a 12-year-old boy who is active in sports, an extremely demanding
extended family, and (not to mention) tons of other household/adult
responsibilities…I just CAN’T rely on every day being “cookie-cutter” so that I
can work out at exactly the same time each day.
I’m sure many of you can relate. You get all excited to
start a new workout program, buy all the DVDs, carve out a specific time in
your schedule, manage to stick to it for a week (2 if your EXTRA lucky), and
then all hell breaks loose. One of the kids gets sick, your work schedule
changes, summer comes up and the kids want to be in the living room watching TV
when you want to workout in there and that TV is the only thing that’s gonna
keep them outta your hair long enough for you to workout, etc. It happens…that’s
mom life for you.
I struggled for a VERY long time trying to consistently
workout every day. I tried waking up at 4am to work out. I tried getting
straight to it after work. But, my schedule just changes up too often for me to
be able to count on sticking to any of those things. 4am workouts turn into 4am
cleaning sessions or me just crawling back to bed from sheer exhaustion.
Evening workouts get wiped out during football season because that’s when
practice is. Summer workouts stop because lil’man takes over the TV. I’ve
learned that if I force myself to rely on a rigid schedule & location to
complete my workouts all I wind up doing is giving excuses a way in to block me
from reaching my goals.
So, what is it that I do to make sure that I workout daily?
I use Beachbody on Demand. I hate to sound all infomercial-ish, but that app
has legitimately wiped out any excuse that I used to let get between me and my
workouts. I can stream just about any Beachbody workout from my laptop, phone,
or tablet…even link it up to the chromecast if I’m lucky enough to get to use
the livingroom TV. That means, if I don’t wanna wake up the kiddo at 4am by
busting out a workout in the living room, I can just stream it in my room; if
my only downtime of the day is at 6pm football practice, I can stream it on my
phone and get my workout in while my kiddo gets his done too. I absolutely love
it! I really can workout anyplace, anytime!!!
The absolute BEST thing about this new app is that Beachbody
offers a 30-day Free Trial! That’s right, for 30 days you can have FREE access
to thousands of Beachbody workouts and be able to do them anytime you want,
anywhere you want!
I’m so excited to share this with other busy moms that I’ve
decided to run a FREE 2-week Trimdown Challenge Group where we will all be
working out using the app. If you are interested, just click here to
sign up for your Free 30-day Trial of Beachbody on Demand and email me at conniedln@gmail.com so I can get you set
up in our private Facebook group. I’d love to have you join!!